Welcome Wholesales Order

Contact Us: info@armsaholic.com | +852 63664535

Order will be charged in HKD

About Us

Armsaholic is a Hong Kong based company. We are founded by a group of Airsofter who wanted to bring the fun back into the game. We aim to bring you the latest and Top Quality MilSim Airsoft, Skirmish Airsoft and Wargame Airsoft products. We provide products for MilSim Skirmish Survival Game, Military Simulation training, IPSC Airsoft Game. We also provide different Combat Gears for Airsoft Skirmishing, Shooting and War Game . In order to stay on top of today's Competitive and Service demanding business market, it is our Goal to provide LOW PRICES & TOP QUALITY SERVICES for you.

We ship to places where airsoft is legal. For certain countries such as the United States and Taiwan, we will perform the necessary work for free to ensure the shipment complies with all local customs regulations. These include trademark removal and painting the muzzle to the complaint orange tone. While we are familiar with the customs regulations of most countries, you should check your local regulations regardless to reduce the chances of seizure.

If you have additional questions, including on topics like payment methods, legality of airsoft in your area, etc., please contact our CS team and your questions will be answered.